As you might guess, the Vietnamese buses aren't exactly top quality or new or the most modern. They're green in color, large and have wide, openable windows. However, it's rare when the windows are permitted open because almost every bus has air-conditioning and it's almost always in use. I would think that the Vietnamese would be used to the hot, humid weather. Many of them wear a thick face mask to protect against the sun and pollution making it hotter for them. Many of them wear pants (shorts are quite common here - yippee!) and short sleeve shirts. So it was quite surprising to get a bus which had working air-conditioning the first time I rode. And the second time. And the third. And if by mistake, you should open the window for a breeze (it takes several minutes for the A/C to start working when the bus begins its route), expect the driver to turn around and demand that you shut the window. Damn tourists. Don't even know how to ride a bus.