The temperature for Saigon hovers around 31-33 degrees in October. And January. And April. And July. In effect, Saigon has the same temperature and high humidity year round. This was one of the reasons why I had originally picked Hanoi - who wants the same hot weather year-round? The only difference in the months is that from fall to winter, the rains arrive. The day I arrived in Vietnam (3 weeks ago), I had found the temperature not to be as horrible as I'd thought it would be. But I was coming off of 3 hot months in Turkey, so I'd almost acclimated to it. I guess the trip north to Hanoi spoiled me (high temp being around 23), because now that I'm back, I'm finding the temperature to be difficult. Since many of you reading this are engineers, perhaps one of you could find time to build me a portable, solar-powered fan attachable at the hip for when I go out.