December 15, 2011

Rise of the Dead

I had read about the sleeping habits of the Vietnamese long before I decided to come. And I had forgotten about the sleeping habits of the Vietnamese long before I decided to come. But now that I'm here, the sleeping habits have become quite learned. Let me fill you in on how the Vietnamese live life.

Most Vietnamese, children and adults, go to bed around 10pm. (In Turkey, this would be considered a sin.) But the reason they go to bed so early is because they rise between 4:45 and 5:30 - even kids. Why? I couldn't tell you. As I previously mentioned, this is one of the reasons why the public buses start so early in the morning. When I've asked my classes, "What time do you wake up?" these are the times I usually get.

This week, for the first time in decades, I was forced to wake up early and be out the door by 6:40 in order to arrive at work by 7:30. I walked out of the gated Mexican villa I live in, and a short way to a busier narrow street I use to reach the busy street which has buses, xe oms, etc. As I turned the corner onto the narrow street, I was hit by a crazy sight: on Sunday morning, at 6:40am, the street looked as it normally does during mid-day of a weekday! The street was filled with locals shopping for and buying fresh meat, live chickens, vegetables, fruits and whatever else the numerous shop owners sell. Motorbikes and bicycles were zooming by. Yet it was only 6:40 in the morning!! Are these people nucking futs?!?!